Tuesday, January 13, 2009


Do I know a DEKE (hockey fake-out) from ADOUT (deuce follower in tennis)? Nope, I'm not knowledgeable about sports, so you couldn't prove either of those by me. I'm sure there are non-cartoon fans who wouldn't know Bart's aunt's name, either, as well as the non-musically inclined who never heard of Reggae's relative or that popular record label ... and, really do you know what the explosive initials TNT stand for? 

Oh, the things you can learn! It's part of the art of crossword construction that entries of words you've never run across before can reveal themselves even in an easy-rated Tuesday Times puzzle. The crossings happily give it all up on the way to discovering the actual theme, which today involves one of my favorite foodstuffs, and reminds me that I still have in a kitchen drawer two nut spoons given away long ago (in the '50's, as I recall) as premiums by Planters Peanuts. Mr. Peanut jauntily tips his hat atop each, and they are still in pretty good shape especially considering they were give-aways. 

Of course, I love peanuts -- and peanut butter -- way too much, but, like chocolate, they are a good-for-you food in moderation.

I don't think it's harmful not to be moderate in the number of puzzles one attempts to solve. In fact, I'm quite sure it's good for the waistline to turn to puzzles instead of food for a little comfort!


  1. Talk about dapper -- the monocle, the cane, the top hat . . Mr. Peanut is my favorite spokes-legume. A shell of a guy!

  2. He's a true gentleman!

  3. Just got around to doing it. Adout? I mean wow...

  4. i tried nytxword today and adout was the ans.didn't know it so i googled and got your blog. thanx.
