Monday, January 26, 2009

Not a Bad Idea

When is a Bad Idea a Good Idea? When it's the theme of a Times puzzle that features 3 ways to say "Bad Idea!"

One thing about a Monday-level Times puzzle is that even the entries that slide easily into the grid are not boring. Today we have MRLEE, "My Sweetie" from a 50's hit tune; a STOOP that can be the bending you do to go through a doorway, or what's in front of the doorway; an OLMAN River; and "Phooey" with an old-timey feel: NERTZ, a word I've not heard used since my dad passed away 30 years ago. 

On the Harper's cryptic front, 26-a finally unscrambled itself, and I do believe I got 28-d as well. That's four down and entered in the grid even though I don't yet know whether or not they get an "Upgrade" or what the "Upgrade" is.

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