Friday, March 6, 2009

Grumpy Friday

Mumble mumble grumble gripe ...

Friday's NYTimes puzzle always defeats me when it is more of a trivia contest than an encounter with words / wordplay. I both feel these are cultural things I ought to know and that there's no way I (or any one person) could keep track of these minutiae.

And so I turn to Google but I don't want to turn to Google, I want to solve on the subway or sitting at a table in Starbucks or Connecticut Muffin, time on my hands, a cuppa coffee on the table, and, nope, no laptop in sight, sorry.

All I can do is sigh deeply.

And wish I knew more.

1 comment:

  1. I empathize completely; I went as far as I could and then I Googled 2 answers and only 2. With those I was able to crack the puzzle.

    Meanwhile, somehow through Rex Parker's blog I stumbled on a link to archived cryptics at The Atlantic and I printed out 3 to try to solve. So far I am not getting very far.

