Constructor Matt Ginsberg reported, on the Cruciverb mail list, a close encounter of the conversationalist kind he had with a travel mate as he was on his way home from the ACPT. He told the story of Tyler Hinman's nail-biter finish; and she related the story to her profession, which involves helping folks build confidence. Here's her take on the tale.
That memorable A Level Finals competition brought back memories of my own, from long ago, although it was Trip Payne's flub, not Tyler's win, that so resonated with me.
One thing I was good at, in my childhood, was spelling. So I was pretty good at spelling bees, and I was very, very bad at losing them: embarassed, upset, mad at myself, I'd erupt in unstoppable tears with each missed word. Fast forward to 8th grade and, finally, a school-wide win that sent me to the big deal: the all-city finals. Which I proceeded to totally blow on an easy-peasy word I'll never forget: pursue. I managed to control the tears, but I'm sure my disappointment was written all over my face, as my teacher-escort bought me an ice cream cone on the way back to school and my classroom, which I was not looking forward to enter after decidedly *not* winning any glory for the class. Well sir. Waiting for me behind the classroom door was a party. In my honor. Smiles and cheers and welcoming words despite the loss. And, on reflection, lesson learned: that there is thrill in winning, certainly, but the joy of the competition ... and the road to improvement ... is simply in the participation.
I'm still gonna do better than 635 next year, tho! Yeah!
CROSSWORD #1606: Themeless Monday
1 year ago
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